What is Stereotype
Stereotype threat occurs "when a person is worried about
behaving in a way that confirms negative stereotypes about members of their
group” (www.thoughtco.com). This type of stress can actually affect how someone performs in certain situations.
In 1995, an experiment was conducted with students taking a
GRE test at Stanford University. In one group, the students were told they
would be tested on intellect. In another group, students were asked to identify
their race before taking the test. In the latter group, the scores of the black
students decreased by 50%. Apparently, just thinking about their race and the
related stereotypes caused them to perform poorly. (As an interesting side note,
due to lobbying from psychologists the SAT exam now has students identify their
ethnicity at the end of the test.)
My Students
I wonder if my young students have thoughts about stereotype threat themselves. Do my female students believe they’re not good at math? Do my
resource students believe they’ll never be smart enough because they’re “special”?
It’s important to identify students that might be experiencing stereotype threat and
help them see a more correct view of themselves.
Self Affirmations
According to an article in Thoughtco.com, one way to decrease the effects of stereotype threat is to
participate in self-affirmations. Individuals who experience stereotype threat should focus on things important
to them such as hobbies, interests, or friends. As a teacher, I believe
introducing this idea of self-affirmations to our students can help them to re-direct
their thoughts and to see themselves as valuable and capable.
What are your thoughts? How do we help our students get past stereotype threat and live up to their potential?